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Farmery’s Extra Strong 10% is an apple cider vinegar drink with 10% organic apple cider vinegar, 1.1% organic raw honey and 89.9% water. It’s a delicious and refreshing beverage with health benefits that makes it an ideal choice for those looking to improve their health and wellbeing. With its high concentration of organic apple cider vinegar, the Extra Strong 10% provides a powerful detoxifying effect in the body. It can be consumed daily to help support the body’s natural detoxification process; promoting weight loss, hormone balance, lowered cholesterol, improved digestion, and improved immunity function. The raw honey in the drink also provides numerous health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. The flavor of the Extra Strong 10% is slightly tart and sweet, with a distinct apple cider vinegar aroma that intensifies as you drink deeper. It’s a light orange color and the texture is creamy and smooth. Farmery’s Extra Strong 10% is a delicious way to add more of the health benefits of apple cider vinegar to your daily diet.