Juyondai Junmai Daiginjo Morohaku Gokujo is a premium sake produced by the renowned Juyondai brewery in Japan. It is made from Yamada Nishiki rice, which is considered one of the best sake rice varieties. This sake is classified as Junmai Daiginjo, which means it is made with rice that has been polished to at least 50% of its original size.
The Morohaku Gokujo ex
This sake is best enjoyed chilled and can be paired with a wide range of foods, including sushi, sashimi, grilled seafood, and light, delicate dishes. It is a truly special sake that showcases the masterful craftsmanship and dedication to quality that Juyondai is known for.
Alcohol | 15% |
Origin | JAPAN |
Volume | 1.8L |
Container | GLASS BOTTLE |
Tax Code | Liq |