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Paranubes Oaxaca Anejo Rum

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Rum agricole, also known as aguardiente from the cloud forests of Oaxaca, Mexico. Paranubes rum is made entirely from sugarcane juice, with no mollases or other additives. They harvest the pesticide-free sugarcane daily, and prepare the juice for fermentation within a maximum of 48 hours from harvest, resulting in an extremely "fresh" spirit. For the fermentation, they do not add water, but they do add two handfuls of boiled mesquite bark to kickstart the process, and if the bark is unavailable, they use the skins of two pineapples. Bottled at 54% abv, this rum is incredibly flavourful, and can be used in a wide variety of cocktails, paired with citrus or other fruit juices. As an experimental project, they have been taking the rum and aging it in new American oak for 18 months
Aging takes place on site at the distillery, subject to rather drastic temperature fluctuations, so the barrel will expand and contract, imparting an even greater amount of flavour into the rum, giving the Anejo a much more rounded out and oaky flavour profile than the Blanco

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